Posted February 12, 2011 at 02:00 am

 MOUAHAHAHAHAHAHAH-oh hai thar. Chloe’s brother here. My sister has officially went KERPLUNK, going on about “aaaaaah i’m unlucky, i’m doooooooomed, don’t ye understand, ye matey, avast me lads, mah computa has declared war on meh, etc.” Well, to be fair, her computer is incredibly sloooow, even typing this is a pain in the ass, the computers all like “fuck you” and “fuck that” and “photoshop ? watch me freeze that shizzle mofo” and stuff. So now her bamboo tablet is boycotting her computer going all “I never liked that son of a gun anyhoozle” (yes, they all talk).

So yeah, main point being Chloe, after having furiously drawn lesbians to get her in a better mood gave up and gave her computer the finger and put onto me the task of telling all of you that my magnificent writing skills are all you’re gonna get today/tonight. So yeah, suck it up.

Bai now peepz.

PS : don’t worry, Chloe is still in lesbians with you all.

Hiveworks Comics