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Hiveworks Comics
gift of warmth
Posted January 13, 2022 at 12:00 am

Hold up, I'm having a d'aww moment.


I still really like the first strip :D I love anything that shows some self-lovin', that's just how it is! And making presents filled with loving thoughts, kisses and warmth for oneself? That's amazing. 

And I really like the second strip too :D I love anything that shows some lovin' for others, that's just how it is! Giving something to someone that needs it, out of the sole warmth of your heart? That's amazing.

More of self-and unself-love, all around, for everyone, please :)

--> This is a rerun of the finished webcomic Go Get a Roomie! You can find these two strips in the old archive >here<!


Hiveworks Comics