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Hiveworks Comics
stop and look
Posted June 8, 2022 at 12:00 am

I remember readers reacting to how there were hummingbirds, and how GGaR couldn't be set in Belgium or the whereabouts because of that. And I think I was like.. woops, oh well, I have no idea where GGaR is set anyway and don't care? 

Interestingly enough, my other webcomic Little Tiny Things is a story set at a specific location AND a specific time! And that's the very first time I've ever done that in a comic, because it was the least important thing to me (and the most important thing was CHARACTERS and second important thing was characters).

But I'm glad for the new experience, I always enjoy the little challenges I give myself when creating new stories: there's always something new that I haven't tried yet. Be it in technical, drawing, aspects, or on the story side of things. I like to explore! 

--> This is a rerun of the finished webcomic Go Get a Roomie! You can find these two strips in the old archive >here<!


Hiveworks Comics