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Hiveworks Comics
bet your ass
Posted June 9, 2021 at 12:00 am

And here ends Chapter 7!

With a beautiful Beifong face reference made by Steve in panel two there (Beifong from the Legend of Korra, a character I very much liked :)). 

And that Lillian smile at the end: SO SMUG. 

And hey, didn't remember Roomie's line there, saying it may not be so good for Lillian to sleep so much. Is that the first time Roomie says something like this, worrying for her good friend

And look at that texture put on the bed's blanket, so beautiful so fancy. I remember trying very basic photoshop textures back then, experimenting with it, going into more and more of the digital art territory. It wasn't that ugly, but from my current point of view, not very pretty either. It's not easy using textures in a subtle yet efficient way! For them to not clash too much with the rest of the drawing, not to feel too digital, if you know what I mean.

Anyway, will leave you for now and see you tomorrow for the next chapter!

Thanks for rereading along :)

--> This is a rerun of the finished webcomic Go Get a Roomie! You can find these two strips in the old archive >here<!


Hiveworks Comics