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Hiveworks Comics
Posted June 7, 2023 at 12:00 am

It was an idea I had for a long time, for Roomie to have her first (?) job to be picking up trash. It's not as shameful as some people think of it as, though it certainly is a challenging and tiring job if you're a garbage collector (and dangerous, considering what people carelessly throw away LIKE A KNIFE POKING OUT OF THE TRASH jesus christ people, I swear to god)

I've always found the job to be a very important one. The one our society gives to people it thinks aren't important, but hey guess what, your trash has to go somewhere and I'm sure you're very happy that it's not rotting inside your home or outside your doorstep. If I may take it a little further, I find the garbage mission a noble one, and have always respected those who work inside that line of work. 

When we were quarantined the first time because of Covid, I put out little kind words for garbage collectors, thanking them for their work. 'Cause they were still out there regardless of how scary and dangerous it seemed.

And I won't even get into where all our garbage goes and all the consequences of our wastes... that's no garbage collector's fault! 

Just be aware that when your trash is gone, it doesn't mean it actually is gone. Be aware of your wastes and recycle if you can! Better yet, re-use, and buy less/better quality (that lasts longer) if you have the means! 

Anyway, Roomie picking up trash is my way of saying "cool thanks" to everyone who does so :)

** and hey, Book 4 of GGaR is coming to print and the crowdfunding for this final book to the series is ongoing right nowww!! -> **

--> This is a rerun of the finished webcomic Go Get a Roomie! You can find these two strips in the old archive >here<!


Hiveworks Comics