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Hiveworks Comics
what you wanted
Posted August 9, 2023 at 12:00 am

Sometimes I like making things more difficult for myself, haha.

Do you realize how easier it is when you write a clear "white and black" scenario, especially with this kind of theme? 

Just make Matt be the bad guy and let everyone blame him for everything in the comment because then everyone can agree on the same thing!

But no, I just have to make it just a little less obvious (with sentences like "You had my consent, but not after insisting..."). And then in later chapters, I just had to make Roomie realize she also did something similarly wrong, as well! Just to make things even less obvious to judge and pack into two binary neat categories.

But that's the thing... what I find interesting in life is not to blame One Person for All Things. It's to find out why a certain person or a certain act makes us tick so much, why we're sensible to certain things, and not others. It's to better know ourselves, and sometimes, that means realizing we also have a Matt within us (some of you will hate me for writing this, haha).

Matt, to me, is a confused piece of human that can hurt others because of his ignorance (and arrogance). But he's also someone who wants to understand and grow to be a better human, however awkwardly and backwardly.

*This is a rerun of the finished webcomic Go Get a Roomie! You can find these two strips in the old archive >here<!


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